Eligibility Requirements

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Eligibility is defined by the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971 (5 ILCS 375/1 et seq.) or as hereafter amended (Act), and by such policies, rules and regulations as shall be promulgated thereunder. For a detailed explanation of Eligibility regulations consult your State of Illinois Benefits Handbook.

Eligible As Members

In order to be eligible as an Employee the following criteria must be met:

  • The employee must be able to participate in and contribute to the State Universities Retirement System (SURS)
  • Be paid salary through the Comptroller's Office or a local University payroll.


Full-Time Employees - Permanent Employees who work 100% of a normal work period are eligible to participate in the health, dental, vision and life plans under the State Employees Group Insurance Program.

  • Employees of the State- Employees (including part-time Employee hired prior to January 1, 1980 that have been continuously employed).
  • University Full-Time Faculty - Employees working greater than or equal to 9 months of the year.
  • University Full-Time Non Faculty - Employees hired to work an average of 37.5 hours or more per week on a permanent basis.

Part-Time Employees - Employees who work 50 - 99% of a normal work period are eligible to participate in the health, dental, vision and life plans under the Program.

Permanent Employees of the State/University Non Faculty - Persons employed on or after January 1, 1980 (does not apply to those eligible for the Program before January 1, 1980) and regularly scheduled to work at least 50% of the average weekly hours required of a full-time employee in a similar position, measured yearly.

University Part-time Faculty (Academic Year) Faculty employees hired to work only one contract period of 4.5 continuous months (e.g., filling in for faculty on maternity leave) are eligible for insurance benefits only if their contract is 100 percent. A letter of intent to rehire for the next semester from the hiring department is required.

University Part-time Non-Faculty (Academic Year) Employees hired to work greater than 4, but less than 12, continuous months, but not less than 730 hours per 12 month work period. A letter of intent to rehire for at least 8 months in total is required from the hiring department.

Although your employment status maybe classified as full-time, your eligibility for Group Insurance could be part-time based upon hours worked.

Eligible As Dependents

Eligible dependents of a Member may participate in the same health, dental and vision plans as the Member. Eligible Dependents of the Member include:

  • Spouse: Does not include ex-spouses or common-law spouses or those not legally married.
  • Civil Union: A legal relationship between 2 persons of either the same sex or opposite sex.
  • Child: Child from birth to age 26, including natural child, adopted child, stepchild. Adjudicated child or Legal Guardianship for whom the member has permanent legal responsibilities.

Adult Veteran Child, IRS Dependent: Adult child age 19 up to, but not including, age 30, an Illinois resident, has served as a member of the active or reserve components of any of the branches of the U.S. Armed Forces and received a release or discharge other than a dishonorable discharge. In addition, for tax years in which the child is age 27 or above, my child is unmarried and eligible to be claimed as my dependent for income tax purposes. Eligible for life insurance coverage through age 25.

Adult Veteran Child, Non-IRS Dependent: Unmarried adult child age 26 up to, but not including, age 30, an Illinois resident, has served as a member of the active or reserve components of any of the branches of the U.S. Armed forces and received a release or discharge other than a dishonorable discharge. Note: Premiums are not tax exempt. Member must pay 100% of cost for coverage. Not eligible for life insurance coverage.

Disabled: Child age 19 or older who is continuously disabled from a cause originating prior to age 19 (age 26 if enrolled as a n adult child). In addition, for tax years in which the child is age 27 or above, eligible to be claimed as my dependent for income tax purposes. Note: For group insurance purposes, and “adult child” is a member’s child age 19 through 25 who is covered by the State Employees Group Insurance Program.

Other*: Recipient of an organ transplant after June 30, 2000, and eligible to be claimed as a dependent for income tax purposes.

* These dependent types are not eligible for life insurance coverage.