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The University Ombudspersons serve as an information and referral resource. Any member of the University community may ask for information, clarification, referrals, or help to address university-related matters from the appropriate Ombuds office. We provide additional services as well, specific to our roles. Our services are informal, voluntary, and free. For more information or to contact your Ombudsperson, please see the description below that is germane to your position: faculty/GA, staff, or student.

For more information, please refer to this presentation (PDF)

Lori Foster
Staff Ombudsperson

Lori Foster

 The Ombudsperson for administrative/professional and civil service staff is an available resource to assist with navigating the University when questions and concerns arise. Lori Foster, an Administrative Aide in the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, assists employees in identifying the appropriate contact for their question or concern, provides guidance to help employees understand what the next step may be in a given situation, and provides direction to university policies and procedures, collective bargaining agreements and/or staff bylaws that may be relevant to the situation. Ms. Foster can be reached via email or 618-453-6671.

Michelle Kibby
Faculty Ombudsperson

Michelle Kibby

The Faculty Ombudsperson, Dr. Michelle Kibby, helps faculty (TT/T and NTT) and GAs understand their rights and responsibilities under university policies, bylaws, operating papers, and CBAs. She is a resource to assist with determining what their next steps are in dealing with a particular situation/ concern, problem, or conflict, as well as connect them to the right office or person to ensure their questions or concerns/ problems are addressed in a timely manner. She also can assist with conflict resolution and informal mediation to help address misunderstandings and disagreements. All services are confidential unless the individual wishes to be identified or requests informal mediation. Confidentiality may need to be breached, however, if there is an imminent risk of harm to self or others or as required by law (e.g., court order, Title 9). She can meet in her office, your office, another mutually agreed upon location, by phone, or virtually. Dr. Kibby can be reached via email or 618-453-2533.

Lanel Love
Student Ombudsperson

Lanel Love

The Student Ombudsperson is a resource for students, both graduate and undergraduate, in navigating the University while seeking resolution to individual student concerns pertaining to academics, broadly-defined. Dr. Love, the Student Ombudsperson and Assistant Dean of Students, assists students with a broad range of issues including understanding and following university policies and procedures; learning about, and connecting, students to resources; and assisting with problems that impede students’ academic success. See student ombudsperson page. If you are a graduate assistant and have concerns related to your role as GA, please see the Faculty Ombudsperson, Dr. Kibby. Dr. Love can be reached via email or 618-453-6882.