Fiscal Officer Certification Reports
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Effective June 1, 2016, Fiscal Officer Certification Reports will no longer be distributed in printed form.
Instead, Fiscal Officers and other authorized personnel will access reports electronically.
This process will shorten the wait time for receiving the reports and greatly improve options for processing, printing and archival access. This change applies to Civil Service, Faculty/AP/Graduate Assistant and Student Employment Fiscal Officer Certification reports. For the months of April and May, these reports will be distributed in printed form and beginning April 15, 2016 with ST9 and payrolls that run thereafter, they will also be accessible electronically by Fiscal Officers and other authorized personnel.
With each payroll processing cycle, everyone with proper AIS/Reports responsibility (Financial Officers, Delegates, authorized others) will receive email notification that certifications are ready for processing. Complete instructions for running either Staff or Student Fiscal Officer Certification reports are found at under Module 5 - Appendix B.
Please share this important information with members of your staff that handle reconciliation of these financial reports and encourage them to review the complete instructions in advance of implementation. Persons with proper AIS/Reports responsibility but who are unable to process the reports as instructed may contact the Payroll office.